With many thanks to Tyler at The Clean Machine, my ride now has these spiffy new wheels! The hubs are based on old Campy Record hubs, and come from Harris Cyclery. The rims are Sun-Ringle CR-18 polished aluminum double-walls, and the tires are 27"X1&3/8" Kenda gumwalls in a classic road-bike tread design.
The rear will be receiving a 17-tooth freewheel to go with the 40-tooth front chainring I'll be using for locomotion.
Tyler laced them in a classic over-under patern, using DT-Swiss stainless spokes, and did one hell of a job, if I do say so. I reccomend him to anyone thinking of having custom wheels built up. (The man says he loves lacing wheels, and here's the proof!)
Next up will be getting the french-threaded bottom bracket squared away. After that comes the headset, stem, seat, seatpost, bars, brakes, etc. I may even have this puppy rideable by the end of the year. Stay tuned!